Information security executive, former auditor and loving daughter and sister, who values being of service to her family, friends and larger community. And a joyful, caring and delightful human being. Hear in Rehana’s own words her journey from feeling scattered, stressed and burnt out to feeling lighter, confident and clear.
Versatile leader, senior lawyer, former teacher, proud mother of three and podcaster. And a very thoughtful, caring and wonderful human being. Hear in Rhonda’s own words her journey from feeling stuck, frustrated and overwhelmed to gaining awareness, choice and confidence in 12 short weeks.
Accomplished lawyer, and exceptionally smart, courageous and self-aware woman. And a beautiful person with a deep soul and gentle warrior heart. I share her coaching journey from stuck, powerless and unhappy to empowered at all levels of her life, lighter, happier and with renewed purpose and confidence. For professional and personal reasons, my client’s identity is masked.
Deep thinker, creative designer and accomplished marketer. Design and Digital Marketing Agency owner and entrepreneur. And a caring, kind and beautiful human being. Hear in Megan’s own words her journey from energy drain, suppression, isolation, and zero boundaries to deep clarity, confidence and connection in 10 short weeks. Now, she feels energized, empowered and joyful in her professional and personal life.
Inspirational thought leader, mother and policy advocacy executive with 30 years of service as an advocate for social justice. And a passionate, genuine and loving human being who gives her all to make the world a better place. Hear in Tracie’s own words her 180° journey from almost burning out to peace, empowerment and self-love in 10 short weeks. Now, she has a renewed sense of purpose, vibrancy and calm in her professional and personal life.