Energy Leadership Index Assessment (ELI) and 90-minute Debrief Session (self-assessment)
To grow as a leader, it is critical to know:
your leadership strengths and blind spots;
your default leadership style’s impacts on your team and other relationships;
the affect of stress on your decision making; and
your ability to lead under pressure and potential impact to your team.
The ELI self-assessment and debrief session will:
reveal your blind spots and leadership superpower;
uncover your automatic stress reactions, and how to self-regulate;
enhance your ability to lead, influence and motivate others; and
light the path to your wellbeing; SO THAT
you can lead effectively, remain even-keel in challenging situations, and bring out the best in yourself and others.
Ready to enhance your ability to lead and influence?
Energy Leadership Index Assessment 360
Feedback (done right) is a powerful tool for growth and advancement. The ELI 360, which includes the ELI self-assessment (described above), allows you to:
self-assess on 36 key leadership competencies;
obtain the feedback of others (such as peers, managers, direct reports, clients, friends, family and any other people or groups identified by you) on those competencies;
understand how your actions are perceived by others;
identify any gaps in terms of self- and other- assessment; and
uncover what will enhance your leadership effectiveness and career growth.
ELI 360 involves the following:
You, as the 360 subject, will:
identify the individuals he/she wishes to provide feedback;
contact those individuals and obtain their consent to provide feedback;
provide the names and contact information of those individuals to YCTS so that YCTS can send a 360 assessment link to those individuals;
follow-up with those individuals to ensure they complete the assessment by a certain due date; and
take the ELI 360 by that due date.
YCTS, as the 360 facilitator, will:
collect the assessment feedback provided by individuals who have completed the assessment by the due date; and
schedule two 90 minute debrief sessions with you:
session #1 - debrief on your ELI self-assessment results; and
session #2 - debrief on your ELI 360 results.