
Versatile leader, senior lawyer, former teacher, proud mother of three and podcaster. And a very thoughtful, caring and wonderful human being.

Hear in Rhonda’s own words her journey from feeling stuck, frustrated and overwhelmed to gaining awareness, choice and confidence in 12 short weeks. Now, she feels empowered at work and at home, because she’s able to dissolve stress on the spot, meet her needs in the moment and knows what success means to her.

In the video, Rhonda shares:

  • Why she sought out coaching

  • What she tried in the past to remove blocks and gain awareness

  • Her first liberating change in week 1 of the program

  • The deep awareness and healing she experienced during the program

  • The surprising impact of this work in her professional and personal life

  • Helping her daughter with the tools she gained in the program

  • What it’s like to work with Anjli

  • How dissolving blocks, self-acceptance and gaining alignment with herself have increased her joy and confidence, and neutralized her stress and anxiety

  • Her advice for those considering the IYAM program

  • Her pre- and post-program happiness quotient on a 1 to 10 scale

Inspired to uproot your limits and soar to new heights?



