Inspirational thought leader, mother and policy advocacy executive with 30 years of service as an advocate for social justice. And a passionate, genuine and loving human being who gives her all to make the world a better place.
Hear in Tracie’s own words her 180° journey from almost burning out to peace, empowerment and self-love in 10 short weeks.
Now, she has a renewed sense of purpose, vibrancy and calm in her professional and personal life. In the video, Tracie shares:
Why she sought out coaching
Her surprising experience with group coaching
Energy healing aspect of the program
Impact of the IYAM program
Her shift from chaos-creation to peace and self-love
From burnout to wholeness without taking a sabbatical from work/life
Realizing ‘the program wasn’t another item on my list, it was for me’
Advice for those considering the IYAM program
Her pre- and post-program happiness quotient on a 1 to 10 scale
Ready for deep clarity and joy?